Heart sounds-mcqs|| medicine mcqs|| cardiology mcqs for medical students||

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Figure-1 Superior and inferior mesenteric artery

Blood supply to GI organs

  • Foregut structures are supplied by the Celiac trunk.
  • Midgut structures are supplied by the Superior Mesenteric Artery(SMA)
  • Hindgut structures are supplied by the Inferior Mesenteric Artery(IMA)
We have a different set for the Celiac trunk. Click here to get notes and quizThis set is exclusively for the SMA and IMA. 

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Superior Mesenteric Artery

  • Origin: from abdominal aorta, behind the neck of the pancreas, just below the celiac trunk at the level of the L1 vertebral body
  • Supplies midgut structures
  • Branches:
    • Middle colic artery
    • Right colic artery
    • Ileocolic Artery
    • Inferior pancreaticoduodenal artery
    • Intestinal arteries

Inferior Mesenteric Artery

  • Origin: from abdominal aorta
  • supplies hindgut structures(descending colon, sigmoid colon, part of the rectum, etc.)
  • Branches:
    • Left colic artery
    • Sigmoid arteries
    • Superior rectal artery

Tips and tricks!

  • Inferior mesenteric artery supplies structures that are on the left side(descending colon, sigmoid colon, rectum, etc.)
  • Superior mesenteric artery supplies structures that are on the right side(ascending colon, the initial part of transverse colon, etc.)
  • Celiac trunk supplies structures that are higher in anatomic position(stomach, duodenum, pancreas, spleen, etc.)

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1.      GI organs get blood supply by

a.       Superior mesenteric artery

b.      Inferior mesenteric artery

c.      Celiac trunk

d.      All

2.       Foregut is supplied by

a.      Superior mesenteric artery

b.      Inferior mesenteric artery

c.      Celiac trunk


3.       Midgut is supplied by

a.      Superior mesenteric artery

b.      Inferior mesenteric artery

c.      Celiac trunk

4.      Hindgut is supplied by

a.      Superior mesenteric artery

b.      Inferior mesenteric artery

c.      Celiac trunk

5.      Pancreas gets it blood supply from

a.      Superior mesenteric artery

b.      Inferior mesenteric artery

c.      Celiac trunk


6.       Ascending colon is supplied by

a.      Celiac trunk

b.      Superior mesenteric artery

c.      Inferior mesenteric artery


7.       Sigmoid colon is supplied by

a.      Celiac trunk

b.      Superior mesenteric artery

c.      Inferior mesenteric artery 

8.      Rectal ischemia from blood vessels occlusion is

a.      Rare

b.      Common

Rectum has dual blood supply. Branches of IMA and iliac arteries supply rectum.

9.      Rectosigmoid junction gets__.

a.      Single blood supply

b.      Dual blood supply

Only narrow branches of IMA supply rectosigmoid junction.

10.      Non occlusive ischemia is rare at

a.      Rectosigmoid junction

b.      Splenic flexure

c.      Rectum 

Rectum has dual blood supply. Branches of IMA and iliac arteries supply rectum.

11.      Marginal artery of Drummond are found at

a.      Ascending colon

b.      Rectosigmoid junction

c.      Splenic flexure 

d.      Ileocecal junction

(Area where the transverse colon ends the descending colon begins, is at risk of hypo-perfusion. Only tiny branches of SMA and IMA reach to that area.)

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