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Medicine mcqs|| anatomy of large intestine|| mcqs for medical students|| medicine quiz||

Figure- Large intestine

Anatomy of the large intestine



Everything you need to know before taking quiz


Large intestine (Anatomy)

  • Is divided into the cecum, appendix, colon, rectum, and anal canal

  • An important part of the human digestive system and the lower part of the digestive tract

  • Upper end connects to the small intestine (cecum and ileum)

  • Lower end connects to the anus

  •  Receives the food residue from the small intestine, absorbs the excess water in it, and forms feces

  • Cecum is the blind pouch, located in the right iliac fossa

  • Appendix is a hollow tube, contains large amount of lymphoid tissues in its wall

  • Base of appendix lies deep to McBurney point

  • During acute appendicitis, maximum tenderness is felt at McBurney point, which is at the junction of the lateral one third of the line between right anterior superior iliac spine and the umbilicus

  • Colon has 4 parts

  • Ascending colon, transverse colon, descending colon and sigmoid colon

  • Ascending and descending colons are retroperitoneal organs, blood supply comes from SMA and nerve innervation by vagus nerve

  • Transverse and sigmoid colons have their own mesenteries, blood supply comes from IMA and and innervation by pelvic splanchnic nerves

  • Presence of haustra(pouches of the colon) is the unique feature of colon

  • Rectum extends from sigmoid colon to the anus

  • Pectinate line of anal canal separates upper visceral and lower somatic portions

  • Somatic and visceral portions of anal canal has different types of epithelial lining, different sensory innervations and venous drainage

  • Above the pectinate line:

    • Epithelium: cuboidal or columnar

    • Sensory innervation: visceral sensory

    • Venous drainage: into portal venous system

    • Type of hemorrhoids formed: internal

  • Below the pectinate line:

    • Epithelium: stratified squamous

    • Sensory innervation: somatic sensory

    • Venous drainage: into caval venous system

    • Type of hemorrhoids formed: external 


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1.Which is not a part of large intestine?

a. Cecum

b. Anal canal

c. Colon

d. Rectum

e. All

2.How many parts does a colon have?

a. 2

b. 3

c. 4

d. 5

3.Which is not a retroperitoneal part of colon?

a. Ascending colon

b. Transverse colon

c. Descending colon

4. Ascending and transverse colons get blood supply by

a. SMA

b. IMA

c. Celiac trunk

d. Iliac artery

5.  Descending and transverse colons get blood supply by

a. SMA

b. IMA

c. Celiac trunk

d. Iliac artery

6.Ascending and transverse colons are innervated by

a. Splanchnic nerves

b. Vagus nerve

7. Descending and transverse are innervated by

a. Splanchnic nerves

b. Vagus nerve

8. Haustra are the special characters present in

a. Colon

b. Rectum

c. Ileum

d. Duodenum 

9. Cecum lies in the

a. Right iliac fossa

b. Left iliac fossa 

10.  Which is wrong about appendix?

a. A narrow and hollow tube

b. Its base lies deep to McBurney point

c. Has large numbers of lymphoid tissue in its wall

d. Inflammation of it does not cause pain

11. McBurney point Is at the lateral one-third of line between umbilicus and___.

a. Left anterior inferior iliac spine

b. Left anterior superior iliac spine

c. Right anterior inferior iliac spine

d. Right anterior superior iliac spine

12. Upper two thirds of anal canal is 

a. Somatic portion

b. Visceral portion

13. Lower one third of anal canal is 

a. Somatic portion

b. Visceral portion

14.Somatic and visceral portions of anal canal are separated by

a. Internal anal sphincter

b. External anal sphincter

c. Pectinate line

d. Anal valves

15.The epithelium below the pectinate line is

a. Columnar/cuboidal

b. Stratified squamous

16.  The epithelium above the pectinate line is

a. Columnar/cuboidal

b. Stratified squamous

17.Deoxygenated blood of visveral portion of anal is drained back into

a. Portal venous system

b. Caval system

18. Deoxygenated blood of visceral portion of anal is drained back into

a. Portal venous system

b. Caval system

19.What type of hemorrhoids occurs above the pectinate line?

a. External hemorrhoid

b. Internal hemorrhoid

20.What type of hemorrhoids occurs below the pectinate line?

a. External hemorrhoid

b. Internal hemorrhoid


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