Heart sounds-mcqs|| medicine mcqs|| cardiology mcqs for medical students||

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Medicine mcqs|| digestive system notes and mcqs for medical students|| anatomy of small intestine|| let's take quiz|| set-3


Figure: Anatomy of small intestine

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Anatomy of small intestine

  • The small intestine is located in the abdomen

  • The upper end is connected to the pylorus of the stomach

  • The lower end is connected to the large intestine

  • total length is about 4-6 meters

  • Main place for food digestion and absorption 

  • Digestion in the small intestine 

    • chemical digestion: pancreatic juice, bile and small intestinal juice

    • mechanical digestion: small intestinal movement

  • nutrients are absorbed by the small intestinal mucosa

  • Divided into three parts: duodenum, jejunum and ileum

  • Duodenum

    • The upper end of the duodenum starts from the pylorus

    • the lower end is on the left side of the second lumbar vertebral body, and continues to the jejunum

    • It is about 25-30 cm long and surrounds the head of the pancreas in the shape of a horseshoe

    • Has 4 parts: superior part, descending part, transverse part, and ascending part

    • There is a common opening of the common bile duct and pancreatic duct on the posterior medial wall of the descending part of the duodenum, through which bile and pancreatic juice flow into the small intestine

  • Jejunum 

    • jejunum makes about 2/5 of the total length of the small intestine

  • Ileum

    • The ileum occupies the distal 3/5 of small intestine. 

    • There is no obvious boundary between the jejunum and the ileum

    • There is a gradual change in morphology from jejunum to ileum. 

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Small intestine/ Anatomy
MCQs with answers

1. Small intestine is consists of

a.  duodenum

b. ileum

c. jejunum

d. all 

2. Which is the shortest part of the small intestine?

a. duodenum 

b. ileum

c. jejunum


3.  Which is the widest part of the small intestine?

a. duodenum 

b. ileum

c. jejunum


4.  Duodenum can be divided into__ parts.

a. 2

b. 3

c. 4 

d. 5

5.  Main pancreatic duct and common bile duct are opened at

a. superior part of duodenum

b. descending part of duodenum 

c. transverse part of duodenum

d. ascending part of the duodenum


6.  Accessory pancreatic duct has its opening at

a. superior part of duodenum

b. descending part of duodenum 

c. transverse part of duodenum

d. ascending part of the duodenum

7.  Main pancreatic duct and common bile duct have their opening at

a. major papilla 

b. minor papilla

8.  Accessory pancreatic duct has its opening at

a. major papilla

b. minor papilla 

9. Which is the longest part of the duodenum?

a. superior part of duodenum

b. descending part of duodenum 

c. transverse part of duodenum 

d. ascending part of the duodenum

10.  Treitz ligament fixes the position of

a. ileocecal junction

b. duodenojejunal junction 

c. rectosigmoid junction

d. ovary

11.  Which statement is false about jejunum?

a. diameter is larger than ileum

b. makes proximal two-fifths of the whole small intestine

c. has plicae

d. contains Peyer patches 

12.  Ileum is ____ than jejunum.

a. longer 

b. shorter

13.  Peyer patches are____ in ileum.

a. present

b. absent

14.  Which part of the small intestine out pouches in Meckel’s diverticulum?

a. duodenum

b. jejunum

c. ileum

15.  Sphincter of Oddi surrounds

a. major duodenal papilla

b. minor duodenal papilla

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